Our programmes.

Your WILD learning journey begins here…

  • WILD Learning for Resilient Leadership

    For high talent business leaders, individuals and change agents across different organisations.

    Our open programme is delivered online over 12 weeks. Our WILD programmes can also be delivered in-house, within your organisation with the option of online, face to face or blended delivery.

    In a world shaped by unpredictability, the role of resilient leaders has never been more critical.

    We are proud to deliver a unique programme which is all about learning how to nurture a resilient mindset that is characterised by a capacity to understand yourself and your learning dispositions and an ability to use these insights to do things better and differently as you lead others through change, uncertainty and complexity. A Resilience Mindset is one that is constantly learning and improving.

    We invite leaders to experience a learning journey of their own by bringing along a Business Innovation Challenge or big problem to solve. We use coaching, systems thinking and the application of new learning and problem solving strategies to empower Leaders to think for themselves, innovate and catalyse purpose-led change.

    Enrolling now for 2024 cohorts.

    Discounts for groups of three or more to accelerate in house capability.

  • WILD Coaching for Learning

    For coaches, learning professionals, teachers and practitioners.

    Our open programme is delivered online with 7 x 90 minute sessions over 8 weeks.

    Learn how to coach others through a learning journey to develop resilient, self led, purpose driven people. Select a volunteer client to practice your new skills with as you go.

    Experience the fundamentals of a WILD learning journey. Understand your own Learning Power profile, enhance your coaching capability and supercharge deep learning and change in yourself and others.

    Empower others to become the ‘pilot not the passenger’ by utilising their Learning Power to develop self awareness, new strategies, problem solve, perform and thrive in work, education and everyday life.

    Become an Accredited WILD Coach for access to our global community of practice for thought leadership, networking, ongoing support and learning opportunities.

    Accredited WILD Coaches are licensed to purchase end user licences of our digital app for use in own context.

    Enrolling now for 2024 cohorts.

The WILD way of doing things.

With a wealth of research and experience, our programmes are designed to get the best out of people, personally, professionally and in everything they do, helping them to unlock their potential and create resilient, confident and aspiring individuals.

Our Founder Professor Ruth Crick is a world leading expert in learning and leading for resilient agency and is the brilliant mind behind the research and development that has resulted in our WILD learning programmes.

Our journey >>>

  • "If we really want to develop resilient people then we have to work both inside out and outside in"

    Ruth Crick, Founder, WILD Learning

Get in touch.

We’d love to hear from you and tell you more about what we do.